73-year-old brought in accompanied by family due to episodes of coughing up blood this morning. Has an existing diagnosis

    April 21, 2024

73-year-old brought in accompanied by family due to episodes of coughing up blood this morning. Has an existing diagnosis of nasopharyngeal cancer. Has completed regimen of chemotherapy and radiation therapy recently. States this morning he coughed up some blood clots. Denies any other symptoms, appetite is good. CMP normal. Chest x-ray showed some minimal cardiomegaly, no pulmonary congestion or infiltrates. No symptoms at this time. Told patient to return to ED in event he experienced any further symptoms including dizziness, tiredness or black tarry stools. Patient complained of back pain so we prescribed pain medication to be taken as needed. Hemoptysis, no evidence of current bleeding. Blood pressure is normal and otherwise asymptomatic. The episode of hemoptysis was earlier today and has not repeated, so feel he is stable to discharge at this time. Assign code(s) for facility services. Assign ICD-10-CM code(s) for facility services. ,

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