April 21, 2024
Data Gathering Procedure Data gathering is a critical step in any research study as it allows for the collection of information necessary for the analysis and findings. Here are the processes involved in data gathering: Submission of Research Permission Letter: The first step involves submitting a formal research permission letter to the relevant authorities at Dalubhasaang Politekniko ng Lungsod ng Baliwag (DPLB), such as the university’s research office and the office of the secretary. This letter seeks approval for the study to be conducted, ensuring adherence to institutional guidelines and ethical standards. Distribution of Questionnaires: Once approval is granted, the research team distributes questionnaires to the identified participants. The study employs purposive and convenience sampling, selecting 100 available students from various academic departments. The participants are selected based on criteria including enrollment status, program of study, access to modern technological devices, and usage of AI in their educational activities. Clear instructions are provided to ensure that respondents understand the purpose of the study and the importance of providing honest and accurate responses. Retrieval of Questionnaires: After a reasonable period, the research team collects the completed questionnaires. The emphasis is placed on retrieving as many responses as possible to ensure a comprehensive dataset. Data Compilation and Verification: The research team compiles the collected data for analysis, ensuring all responses are accurately recorded. The completeness and consistency of the data must be verified, preparing it for the subsequent analysis phase. By following these steps, the research team can gather data systematically and ethically, ensuring the reliability and validity of the research findings. It also allows other researchers to replicate the procedures or methods used in the study.
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