Higher Education Reflective Powerpoint.

    April 21, 2024

Topics  discussed. in this course. 1.
1. Legal Issues in Higher Education 
2.Perspectives and Foundations of Higher Education.
3.Rights and Responsibilities of Student Organizations 
INSTRUCTIONSYou will create a PowerPoint presentation that fulfills the following:1. Establish the relevance and utility of one policy practice discussed in this course to yourprofessional practice pick a policy  listed above.You are an. administrator who works at a University.
2. Draw on relevant case law and at least three additional resources (peer-reviewed articles,blog posts, podcasts, informal interviews, current events, etc.) to discuss how this topicfunctions in higher education today.3. Consider and explain how your professional practice applies this law as policy. Provide3-5 concise examples.4. Address any recent changes that have impacted the higher education landscape that mayimpact this policy. Share how you foresee your role in implementing the policy withconsideration to recent changes that have impacted the higher education landscape.5. Additionally, you must type a script to align with the PowerPoint for a 30-minutepresentation to college students, incorporating relevant sources.a. The script should be sent in a Word document. Your presentation should be 17

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