8.1 discussion

    April 21, 2024


You may feel that you have completed the perfect presentation. Or that your writing is powerful and your insights brilliant. You have devoted many long hours and you are proud of your work. But then, the feedback comes. Your instructor gives you a lower score than you expected. Your Research Chair sends you a new, long list of needed revisions. The faculty reviewer tells you your work isn’t good enough yet and needs to be resubmitted. The anonymous peer reviewers of the journal you submitted to not only reject your submission, but also are condescending and rude with their analysis. It would be easy to become discouraged.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
Consider the important role of feedback in scholarly development.
Evaluate how to improve the use of valuable feedback.
Background Information
It is important you understand the experiences described above are all part of good scholarship. Even Albert Einstein had his paper rejected by anonymous peer reviewers, and this was years after he had already won the Nobel prize for his previous work! Einstein famously hated the peer review process… but then used the feedback he got anyway(new tab). While no one condones rude or condescending feedback, as a scholar, you will receive feedback. When facing criticism of your hard work, it is difficult to keep in mind feedback is coaching – It is designed to help you improve your contribution to the world, not as a judgment of your character or capabilities.

Life is not perfect, and neither are you. God never promised Christians a perfect life. Instead, He promised that if you stay true to His Word (the Bible) by accepting Jesus as your personal savior, you can make it through the trying times. This confidence is not found in you; it is found in God. Christians know that no matter how difficult life is on earth, ultimate victory in heaven is assured. With that confidence, it is much easier to face a little criticism.
Sometimes you give your very best, but you still fail. Only your heavenly Father does not have that problem. But in the following scripture, David is very clear: You should fear no one, not even your own failure, when you are a child of God.

The?Lord?is my?light and my?salvation;????whom shall I fear?The?Lord?is the stronghold?of my life;????of whom shall I be afraid? 
(English Standard Version, 2001/2016, Psalm 27:1) 
Always remember, even with dark clouds, sunshine is on the other side. God is more than any difficulty that presents itself, and He can bring you through any failure. So, live with confidence!

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