System security lab

    April 21, 2024

Lab1 Criteria Systems Security Lab 1 has the following requirements and is due 2/09/24 by 6 p.m. It will be a based on a fully functional virtual lab – VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, or VMware Fusion – with at least one VM built as follows: One host external, Kali, with a natted network connected to (sharing) the host (laptop’s) network connection. Class C network e.g. The Assignment Create the following procedural document, a detailed whitepaper and screenshots of the following:     Your lab setup, completely, with screenshots Your network setup, your subnets, whether DHCP is used or not Someone should be able to use your documentation as a procedural document to build a lab The more detailed the documentation, the better Once you have created and documented your fully functioning lab environment:    Use Wireshark (included with Kali Linux) to analyze the traffic between your lab environment and Google Create the following documentation, which screenshots of the following: o Screenshots of Wireshark showing the traffic and protocols to Google o Screenshots of various IP addresses used in conjunction with connecting to Google Answer the following questions: o What protocols are used when you connect to Google search engine? o What is the purpose of each discovered protocol? o What IP addresses are found when you connect to Google? o Are there any IP addresses that do not belong to Google in your search? o Are there different protocols for searching versus browsing? o Did you see anything that surprised you? If you have any questions, please let me know.

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