Mission vision and values as a health science researcher

    August 1, 2024

Most often when we think of mission statements we think of an organization or company.
However, academic researchers should also work to develop one for their career. Mission,
vision, and values statements serve as the foundation for an individual’s career as a researcher
and academic. They convey the purpose, but also can help you identify what you value in this
career and in life. When developed and intentionally implemented in an open and honest manner,
can provide you with meaningful guidance during difficult and stressful situations. However,
mission, vision and value statements should be evaluated throughout your career. you must support your assertions with at least 3 peer-reviewed scholarly
sources. references list in current APA format with your post as either a Microsoft Word or PDF document. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include but are not limited to, the textbook, and the Bible.
You will develop your own personal mission, vision, and values statement. As part of
this assignment, you will explain how your statements inform your conduct as a researcher and
are the guiding light for your career in science from a biblical perspective that support your
mission and vision statement. These guidelines should help provide a framework for you in your
career in handling current and emerging ethical challenges in research involving human
This assignment is your first, in-person effort explaining your mission, vision and values from a
biblical perspective. It is strongly encouraged that you use best practices in household video

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