Goals, Motivations, Vision, and Values

    August 1, 2024

Leadership, communication, and technology will be continually infused in aspects of your academic and professional life. As you progress along your chosen career path, it is likely that you will increase your skills in these areas; however, the development will also require thoughtfulness so that you can remain current and achieve continuous improvement. Concrete planning, being proactive, and reviewing all details will allow you to achieve the greatest benefits as a direct result of your focus, attention, and efforts.
Directions for this discussion:
In this discussion, which has two sections, you will have a paragraph for each area as all paragraphs must have at least 5 to 6 academic sentences. In the first paragraph, you will begin with sharing any information about your goals, motivations, and more to include your vision in life. In a second paragraph, you will explain about your values and how important these can be to improve your skills in leadership, communication, and technology. Keep in mind that this document will continuously transform as you further your degree and career.
Always use first person.
No attachments for any discussions . . . Please submit in the text box area.
No generative artificial intelligence can be used as sources for discussions and peer responses.
No Secondary Sources, No Direct Quotes, No Bullets, No Abbreviations, No Acronyms, and No Contractions allowed . . . your full interpretation of the content and in an academic sentence/paragraph format (i.e., at least 5 to 6 sentences per paragraph). Your response should be a minimum of 350 words and should address each of the questions presented. In addition, your “two” peer responses must be at least 100 words. Review the attached rubric.
Responses to Initial Discussions
Responses to discussion questions are expected to be comprehensive, well organized, and well written. They must demonstrate familiarity with the material covered (i.e., assigned readings, scholarly sources), ability to explicate ideas discussed (e.g., clear presentation of key terms and ideas), and interpretation and application of the material in relevant contexts (i.e., how the ideas relate to concrete situations in today’s environments). Your initial submission must be in depth with a required minimum of 350 words. Points will be deducted if the word count is not met.
(full credit)
(half credit)
(no credit)
The response is well organized and well written, and most of the elements above are evident.
The response includes some of the elements above and is well written and/or well organized.
The response is not well organized, not well written, and missing three or more of the elements noted above.
Responses to Other Students’ Posts
You are expected to respond to two of your classmates’ posts for each discussion submission. In responding to your classmates’ posts, you are expected to seriously engage the ideas of the student whose work you are addressing. You should demonstrate your knowledge of the ideas or practices you are addressing, and your responses should be on target, directly related to what is under discussion, rather than moving off into barely related tangential matters.
Just responding with kudos or posing questions is not sufficient. At least 100 word responses are mandatory per peer response. Points will be deducted if the word count is not met. This will include subtracting words and phrases giving praise/kudos.
(full credit)
(half credit)
(no credit)
Responses cover most of the elements above and attempt to encourage others to explore their ideas on the matters under discussion.
Responses include some of the elements noted above, but they do not demonstrate a serious attempt to encourage others to explore ideas in greater depth.

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