HTML CSS JavaScript Portfolio Project Worksheet

    August 1, 2024

Summer Semester 2023 Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia IS311 – WEB DEVELOPMENT Assessment Name: Final Project Due date: August 6, 2023 Assessment type: Group (3 students per group) Weighting: 30 Marks Web Development Project – Showcasing Your Skills with HTML, CSS and JavaScript Project Description: Welcome to the Web Development project. This is an exciting opportunity for you to demonstrate your proficiency in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Working in a group of 3 students, you are required to create a web site to showcase skills, projects, and achievements of each member of the group. The portfolio will serve as a tangible representation of your abilities and creativity in front-end development. Objective: The main objective of this project is to design and develop a multi-page portfolio website that highlights your technical skills related to web development. This project aims to assess your understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as your ability to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces. Page | 1 Summer Semester 2023 Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia Project Components: TASK 1 – PROJECT PITCH: In this task, you will be required to submit the following items: 1. Project wireframe o Provide a blueprint of web site including the contents, navigation options and functionalities. TASK 2 – WEBSITE CONTENTS 1. Homepage: o Create an engaging and informative homepage that introduces your group their passion for web development. o Include a brief biography, showcasing group members’ background, academic pursuits, and interests in the field. 2. Projects Page: o Design a dedicated page to display your group member’s projects. o Showcase at least three projects, each with a detailed description, images, and links to another page. o Utilize CSS styling and layout techniques to present the projects in an organized and visually appealing manner. 3. Skills and Technologies: o Create a section to list your technical skills and technologies you are proficient in (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc). o Consider using icons or graphical elements to enhance the presentation. o Implement smooth transitions and colour scheme to add visual interest to this section. 4. Resume and Contact: o Include a downloadable PDF version of your resume, highlighting your education, relevant coursework, and any relevant work experience. o Add a contact form or contact information to allow potential employers or collaborators to reach out to you. o Use JavaScript to validate the contact form and provide user-friendly error messages for incorrect inputs. 5. Design and Responsiveness: o Design your web site with a clean and modern layout that reflects your personal style and professionalism. o Ensure your website is responsive, adapting well to different screen sizes and devices. 6. Interactivity: o Implement functionalities to add interactivity to your portfolio (e.g., navigation menu, image sliders, form validation). o Use JavaScript to enhance user experience and showcase your scripting abilities. o Include smooth scrolling effects and hover effects to create an engaging user experience. Page | 2 Summer Semester 2023 Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia Project Rubric: The project will be assessed based on the following criteria: 1. Project wireframe (5 points): o The correctness and completeness of wireframe reflecting all key features of the website. o Read this online article to learn about basics of wireframing. 2. Technical Proficiency (8 points): o Effective use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a well-structured and interactive website. o Demonstrated understanding of responsive design principles and compatibility across various devices and browsers. o Proper use of semantic HTML elements and CSS selectors for efficient styling o Well commented and organised code. 3. Design and User Experience (8 points): o Visually appealing and modern design that reflects your personality and professionalism. o Intuitive navigation and user-friendly interface to enhance the user experience. o Consistency in design elements and colour schemes across all pages. 4. Project Showcase (4 points): o Quality and diversity of the showcased web development projects, demonstrating your range of skills and abilities. o Clearly presented project descriptions and live/demo links or GitHub repositories. o Adequate coverage of contents on the website. 5. Presentation (5 points): o Live demonstration of the website highlighting its key features and functionalities. The presentations will occur in the classroom on Sunday and Monday of the last week. Each group will be given with 10 minutes for the presentation/demonstration of their website including QA session. Submission and Presentation:   The final project should be submitted as a ZIP file containing all the necessary HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any other relevant files. Prepare a short presentation to showcase your portfolio website to the class, highlighting its features, design choices, and technical implementations. Use of PowerPoint slides is optional. Live demonstration of the website would be enough. Good luck with your web development portfolio project! Page | 3

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