Supply chain Analytics

    August 1, 2024

Chapter 1: “Introduction to Supply Chain Analytics”
Chapter Summary
This chapter was about data science, context for supply chain analytics, the components of supply chain analytics, and considerations of partners and analytics.
Use three headers total, one per main prompt below. Do not list the questions; use headers to properly organize your work. A header is a short one-, two-, or three-word statement that summarizes the intent of the paragraph below it, organizing your original narrative.
Write one quality paragraph per header, addressing your reflection, based on the following question prompts:
What was the most interesting thing you learned this week as you explored the course concepts and activities?
What one thing do you plan to research further over the next week? What motivates this decision? How will you structure your further online or Library research to effectively learn what you want to learn and then apply these concepts in academics, life, or business?
What concept do you plan to readily apply at work in the next 2 weeks? If you are not ready, how can you still leverage these concepts via a discussion with a coworker, sharing what you have learned and plan to accomplish? What key results do you foresee with this application at work regarding your own organization’s supply chain?

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