Management Customer Buying Experience

    August 1, 2024

Wk. 2 Discussion – Customer Buying Experience Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: • Choose 3 products you might be interested in purchasing that are sold on the Internet. • For each product, visit 3 websites and go through the process as if you were going to actually purchase the product. • Which website did you have the best buying experience with? Why do you think that is? • Which website did you have the worst buying experience with? Why? • If you could create the perfect website to sell a product on, what features would it have? Use a peer reviewed reference to support your response to this question (not required for replies). DO NOT use ONLY the textbook for this requirement. Please research and use one or more peer reviewed journal articles from the UoP Library to support your response and provide academic credibility. This reference must have a corresponding in-text citation. These must both be in APA format. Without these (as a whole) there is an automatic 10% deduction. Wk. 3 Discussion – Competitive Analysis Imagine yourself as the CEO of a company in an industry that interests you. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: • Identify the major trends in the general environment of that firm, analyze the impact of those trends on the firm, and identify sources you (as the CEO) could use to monitor those trends. Use a peer reviewed reference to support your response to this question (not required for replies). DO NOT use ONLY the textbook for this requirement. Please research and use one or more peer reviewed journal articles from the UoP Library to support your response and provide academic credibility. This reference must have a corresponding in-text citation. These must both be in APA format. Without these (as a whole) there is an automatic 10% deduction. Wk 4 Discussion – Organizational Structure Think of a company or organization with which you are familiar, perhaps one you have worked for, or even a place of worship or school. Answer the following questions in a minimum of 175 words: • • What kind of organizational structure does the organization use? What other structures discussed in the chapter might allow the organization to operate more effectively? For example, would the move to a product team structure lead to greater efficiency or effectiveness? Why or why not? Use a peer reviewed reference to support your response to this question (not required for replies). DO NOT use ONLY the textbook for this requirement. Please research and use one or more peer reviewed journal articles from the UoP Library to support your response and provide academic credibility. This reference must have a corresponding in-text citation. These must both be in APA format. Without these (as a whole) there is an automatic 10% deduction. Wk 5 Discussion – Innovations Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: • • • For the company you’ve been assessing throughout the course, identify the types of innovations it is pursuing. Do the innovations tend to be incremental or radical? Product-related or process-related? In what ways, no matter how minor, could you add value to such innovations? Use a peer reviewed reference to support your response to this question (not required for replies). DO NOT use ONLY the textbook for this requirement. Please research and use one or more peer reviewed journal articles from the UoP Library to support your response and provide academic credibility. This reference must have a corresponding in-text citation. These must both be in APA format. Without these (as a whole) there is an automatic 10% deduction. Wk. 6 Discussion – Small-Business Marketing Find an example of a small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote its products or services. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: • • • How effective do you think this strategy is? Why? Give some advantages and disadvantages to this company’s use of social media. What is 1 thing would you recommend the business do to enhance its social media results? Use a peer reviewed reference to support your response to this question (not required for replies). DO NOT use ONLY the textbook for this requirement. Please research and use one or more peer reviewed journal articles from the UoP Library to support your response and provide academic credibility. This reference must have a corresponding in-text citation. These must both be in APA format. Without these (as a whole) there is an automatic 10% deduction.

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