Having Higher Diagnosis Rates of Anxiety

    August 1, 2024

Anxiety is a common diagnosis amongst women. Women are two times more at risk for anxiety than men, starting at the age of puberty (ADAA, 2021). There are many theories as to why this is. However, it is known that the chemical makeup of a woman’s brain differs from men. In women, the fight-or-flight response is higher in women than men. With this being on higher alert, women can reach a higher threshold for anxiety causing factors of life. Serotonin is another key factor in anxiety. If we think about “Social norms” for women such as taking care of children, taking care of the home, working, and the inherent drive to make sure that people are taken care, can increase the chance of anxiety. These stressors will compile over time and a woman will eventually realize that something is not right.
There are many forms of treatment for anxiety. It is important to understand what the patient is wanting out of treatment. Do they want a more homeopathic, take medication, or try cognitive behavior therapy. Not every woman who has anxiety has gone through “trauma.” With this being said, it is still important to evaluate the causative factors of what is triggering their anxiety. It is important to have a trusting relationship with patients, so that they feel comfortable opening up and discussing this issue (Shanahan

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