BP and Deepwater Horizon company overview, and Brian Morel role within the organization

    August 4, 2024

Each student, as part of a group (groups are determined by the instructor of record) are required to write a 10-page, double-spaced paper that analyzes a crisis that a company recently went through. It should examine the leadership (how they addressed the crisis), communication plan surrounding the crisis (if there was none, provide one), and overall response to the crisis.
Please discuss your paper with your group. Email your chosen topic to your instructor and get it approved. Then work to split up the work. Some examples of how you can split the work include dividing up the topic into different sections and having each team member work on a section; splitting the up-front writing and research with the integration and re-writing of the document, or any other way you desire to split the work.
This project, as part of the communication plan, should analyze the company’s use (or lack thereof) of social media, web sites, blogs, press releases, media releases, press conferences, etc. The paper is an academic paper following APA writing and citation guidelines. The paper includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works (articles). You must use at least 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles to build your project.
This paper will analyze a crisis that a company recently went through. It should examine the leadership (how they addressed the crisis), communication plan surrounding the crisis (if there was none, provide one), and overall response to the crisis. This project, as part of the communication plan, should analyze the company’s use (or lack thereof) of social media, web sites, blogs, press releases, media releases, press conferences, etc. The paper is an academic paper following APA writing and citation guidelines. The paper includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works (articles).
One person – Brian Morel
One decision – Led to the person to make the decision to cap it the last time.
One point of time – when the spill was capped.
Choices Brian Morel faced with pros and cons of each choice during BP Oil Spill.
· Ramifications of Morel’s decisions (Environmental impact and economic consequences, including allocation of funds to fix the problem).
· Ramifications of Morel’s decisions (Legal and regulatory ramifications and public trust/corporate reputation).
· Alternative courses of action that could have been explored and lessons learned/future implications.
Individual Assignments Each group member will be responsible for specific sections and research tasks:
Team 1 (History and Point in time)
· Introduction, BP and Deepwater Horizon company overview, and Brian Morel role within the organization.
· Initial Incident and Key Decisions made by Brian Morel.
· Point in time to be from day of oil spill through day 87, the day of the well capping attempt to solve the crisis.
Team 2 and 3 (Choices Brian Morel faced with pros and cons of each choice)
· Ramifications of Brian Morel’s decisions (Environmental impact and economic consequences, including allocation of funds to fix the problem).
· Ramifications of Brian Morel’s decisions (Legal and regulatory ramifications and public trust/corporate reputation).
· Alternative courses of action that could have been explored and lessons learned/future implications.
Team 4:
· Abstract, Conclusion, Compilation, References and Editing.

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