Decision Making Knowledge Course Reflection

    August 4, 2024

Submit the Reflection of how this course helped you to achieve the course specific Student Learning Outcomes and course outcomes through readings, discussions and assignments throughout the course. Recognize that leadership is part of being an APN. Upload in a word document here. This will count towards your Discussion grade for the course.
From course syllabus
Course Outcomes
This course:
CO: Introduces leadership and decision-making skills in the provision of culturally responsive, high quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination, oversight, and accountability to impact patient care delivery and outcomes.
CO: Introduces the impact of self-reflection, history, legal and ethical issues, spirituality, technology, social media, economics, and healthcare policy have on decision-making.
CO: Introduces essential leadership skills needed for critical decision-making processes in today’s complex healthcare environment
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of the impact of legal and ethical issues, and health care policy on decision making in real complex healthcare environment.
Synthesize multidimensional approaches of decision making learned throughout the course in order to evaluate patient outcomes.
Apply thoughtful leadership approaches to implement successful changes in their own practice.
Apply multiple decision-making approaches including transformational leadership principles in actual situations to demonstrate confidence in decision making.

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