August 4, 2024

Important Note:
1. Assignments should be submitted via official portal of MSBM only as Microsoft word document (.doc or .docx), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx), Assignments submitted via other means will not be considered.
2. Kindly adhere to the format requirements (Essay, Memo, Letter, Report, Research, Presentation etc.) and submit the assignment as per the instructions given.
3. Make sure to write your full name and correct Program/Module name using the official OTHM/MSBM Title page.
4. The minimum word count for any assignment is 2000-2500 words unless it is mentioned otherwise in the assignment instructions or task by task. You could lose marks if you write 10% more or less than this.
5. Assignments will be reviewed only if they are completed with all the tasks/questions. Please do not send each task/question separately.
6. All documents will be checked for plagiarism. Any report found to be plagiarised for more than 15% would be rejected immediately.
7. Make sure to insert correct in-text citations when drafting an assignment and a list of references as per the Harvard Referencing Style is to be provided at the end of the whole assignment. (Not end of each task)
8. All assignments will be sent for review and until the assignment status shows “Completed”, kindly keep checking for feedback and do the needful accordingly.
9. Assignments should be saved as: Programme Name _ (Candidate Full Name) _ (Candidate Code)_(Unit Abbreviation). i.e. MBA_ John Smith_00123456_ ABRM
Answer only one part from all of the questions below:
Question 1
• Elaborate on the five broad types of researchers and critically discuss the following research philosophies.
* Ontology
* Epistemology
* Axiology
• Explain what is a literature review? Elaborate on the literature review process and discuss at least three primary literature sources.
Question 2
• Critically discuss the research problem area and how it is developed into a research question? Explain this using at least three examples of broader problem areas narrowed down to extract a research topic and construct a research question.
• Discuss the difference between research methods and research methodology and explain at least five research methods.
Question 3
• Explain the research proposal with a description of each of its contents with example including but not limited to:
* Introduction
* Research Problem area
* Research questions
* Research objectives
* Research Methodology
• Discuss and explain research conceptual framework elaborating dependent, independent and moderating variables and the role each one plays in the research structure.
• Explain quantitative and qualitative data analysis with at least three methods for each type of analysis. (Three methods for qualitative and three methods for quantitative data analysis.)

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