Psychology Victim Advocacy and Social Policy

    August 4, 2024

For the Week 5 assignment, Victim Advocacy and Social Policy, you explore a victim advocate role and examine how social policies can impact that role.
Search for a victim advocate role in your geographic area, or other nearby larger area if there are no victim advocates where you live. (Some smaller counties may not have victim advocates.) I LIVE IN SWAINSBORO, GA!!!
Victim advocates are placed in many types of organizations. For example, there may be a victim advocate who works in the police department and goes with officers on calls where there is a victim of violent crime. Victim advocates may have a role in a prosecutor’s office, a domestic violence or protective order court, a shelter, a hospital, or in a community agency such as a crisis center or a victim advocacy agency.
Assignment Resources
The scholarly articles listed below are samples that can help you to think about the practical and political challenges facing victim advocacy. Select two to read. If the articles pertain to your topic, you may use one of them if you choose. For your assignment, you will need a minimum of four sources:
At least one on a victim advocate role from the Internet.
At least one professional source, such as the textbook.
At least two scholarly articles.
If you use one of the articles below, you will also need to find at least one additional scholarly article from the library to support your work.
Bell, J. G.,

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