Patient Centered Care and Cultural Competence

    August 4, 2024

Cultural Competence Models: Purnell (1991) and Giger-Davidhizar (2004) Transcultural Assessment Model (GDTAM)
APA Format, Font size 12, In-text citations, Times New Roman, Introduction and Conclusion
Part I:
Provide a paragraph or two on each of the following items for each model:
Discuss how each model contributes to development of the health care provider.
Part II:
Discuss the following, each within its own section and with appropriate section headings.
The definition of patient-centered care and cultural competence.
Compare and contrast patient-centered care to cultural competence.
Benefits of patient-centered care.
Drawbacks of patient-centered care.
Possible ways to improve and implement patient-centered care in health care organizations .
Purnell, L. (2005). The Purnell model for cultural competence. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing

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