How do you and your family identify yourselves culturally?

    August 4, 2024

1. The first critical step in preparing this discussion item involves defining one’s culture of origin. For the purpose of this exercise, culture of origin refers to the major group(s) from which an individual has descended that was/were the first generation to come to the United States (except for Native Americans). For example, an individual may have been born and raised in America, but if her/his grandparents were Irish and Greek, then the culture of origin consists of these (2) two groups.
2. The next step is to research (via family interview, viewing films related to your culture(s), or through books/articles on your ethnic background) each ethnic group of your heritage and identify responses to some of the following:
· How do you and your family identify yourselves culturally? How did you come to know about your culture growing up?
· Under what conditions did your family enter the United States (immigrant, political refugee, slave, etc.)?
· Does your family come from individualistic culture(s) or collectivist?
· What were/are the group(s) experiences with oppression?
· What significance does race, skin color and hair play within each group?
· What is the dominant religion(s) of each group? What role does religion and spirituality play in the everyday lives of members of each group?
· How are gender roles defined within each group?
· How is sexual orientation regarded?
· What prejudices or stereotypes does each group have about itself?
· What prejudices or stereotypes does each group have about other groups?
· Do the groups share a world view, way of thinking or are their differences.
· How is social class defined in each group?
· What occupational roles are valued in each group?
· How is family defined in each group?
· How have all of the above factors shaped your family and its members? What effect have they had on you?
· If more than one group comprises your culture of origin, how were the differences negotiated in your family? How has this impacted you personally?
· What were your expectations when you were little about what you would be when you grew up and what your life would be like?
· Did you feel you had a lot of choice in selecting dates? In selecting mates? In finding jobs? In finding housing? In obtaining credit? In obtaining medical care?
· How did your expectation get met or not met?
· What are the most important things for people outside your cultural group to learn and appreciate about your group?
The answers to these questions comprise your “Cultural Heritage”. This should be written in essay format. It should concisely, yet clearly contain responses addressing what to you are the most important questions outlined above.
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