Advocacy Risk Appraisal: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

    August 4, 2024

Identify existing or potential public partners engaged in activities relevant to planning for access and functional needs. Many of these partners may lend their knowledge, expertise, and risk communication planning.
Identify organizations who can aid in the response and supply services or support for vulnerable and multicultural populations.
For both 1 and 2, include the partner type, name, and any of the following roles adding detail to the function:
Access and functional needs group represented
Preparedness phase of partner engagement (i.e., pre-incident, response, recovery)
Participation in jurisdictional risk assessment
Communication support (i.e., public information/ warning)
Exchange of information between partners (information sharing)
Participation in training
Participation in exercises or incidents/event
Examples are in the template. Edit as needed. Research your community.

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