What is the heterogeneity argument’against hedonism

    August 4, 2024

Philosophy Question
1. What is *the heterogeneity argument’against hedonism? Shouldwe accept it? If so, why? If not, why not? Answer with reference tcthe main reading by Roger Crisp
2. What is internalism’about well-being? What is its bestformulation and why? Answer with reference to the main readingby Connie Rosati.
3. What is Aristotle’s *function argument’ for the view that the lifeof activity according to virtue is the highest human good? Shouldwe accept the argument? Answer with reference to the relevantpassages in Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics.
4.What is the Confucian thesis of well-being familism’? Shouldwe accept it? Answer with reference to the main reading by RichardKim.
5. What is the ‘shape of a life hypothesis’? Should we accept it? Ifso. what is its best explanation? If not why not? Answer withreference to the main reading by David Velleman.
6. Does the ‘mere difference’ view of disability imply that it ispermissible to cause disability? If so, why? If not, why not? Answerwith reference to the main reading bv Elizabeth Barnes
7. Should well-being policy adopt a particular view of well-being?If so, which view and why? If not, why not? Answer with referenceto the main reading by Daniel Haybron and Valerie Tiberius
8.What is the ‘rational care theory’of well-being? Should weaccept it? Answer with reference to the main reading by StephenDarwall.
9.What is ‘contextualism’about well-being? Should we accept itAnswer with reference to the main reading by Anna Alexandrova

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