The Stroop Effect will be used for the Research Report.

    August 4, 2024

The Stroop Effect will be used for the Research Report. For the research report you will use the data set provided by me. Doing this online experiment allows you to experience the experiment so you are familiar with the procedures. You will need these details when you write your report.
You will do this experiment so you have an idea of what it is, how it works and what your participants went through. This will help you write the procedure section for your paper. The data you will actually analyze for your project will be given to you by me.
Here is some basic information on the Stroop Effect. The lab you will try can be found here: Stroop Effect Lab – Try This! You can also find it by going through this: Content – Course Resources – Psychology Learning Tools – Psychology Labs – Stroop Effect Lab – Try this.

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