Discussion 2: Designing a High School Curricula (Ch. 6)

    August 4, 2024

Imagine you are designing a high school curricula. What courses would be offered and why? Which courses should be required, and which should be left as electives? Why? Consider traditional academic subjects, instruction more directly relevant to work, family, leisure, and citizenship, and classes in “general education”—in subjects such as art, home economics, health, sex education, driver education, and personal finance.
Critical Discussion Includes:
Discussing the presented information and connecting it back to the textbook chapters covered thus far.
Discussing your opinion of the point mentioned, why you hold that opinion, and how that opinion can be supported by the material in the textbook.
How you see the information presented as consistent/inconsistent with what you have learned so far, making sure to mention specifics from the textbook and lectures.
Consistencies/inconsistencies in the presented information itself.
It is beyond saying that you like/dislike something or simply agree/disagree.

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