Final Project Milestone Two: Literature Review Draft

    November 16, 2024

For Milestone Two, you are refining your Milestone One topic by simplifying and defining your research question. This step requires creating a single statement that accurately identifies the proposed service or treatment you want to implement. You need a manageable and simplified topic to conduct research appropriately. You will also research and examine relevant literature to narrow the scope of your inquiry.
You will submit your research question in a draft of the Literature Review section of your final grant proposal. Your draft will contain a narrative in which you will use professional journals, texts, and resources to comprehensively examine the identified problem from the perspective of current developmental theories. Providing examples relevant or similar to your organizational environment is imperative so those reviewing the grant will truly gain an experiential perspective of the grant.
For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric.

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