Movie Analysis Minor Project 2
November 16, 2024
Feature films can provide vivid examples of sport facility and event management concepts
introduced in class and in the textbook. Below is a comprehensive – but not exhaustive list – of
some of these feature films.
❖ Draft Day
❖ Jerry Maguire
❖ Money Ball
❖ A League of Their Own
❖ The Natural
Analyze one film from this list or select your own. Do not assume that class members will
automatically make connections between course principles and what they see on the screen.
When viewing major motion pictures in the theatre, audiences typically react to such factors as
the film’s entertainment value, its special effects, or the relationships between major characters.
When viewing films for the sports facility and event management course, participants must focus
on what the movie reveals about sports management related information.
In your 3-4 page Movie Analysis, address some or all of the following topics:
• Describe group dynamics and evolution.
• Discuss useful strategies utilized by management in the film.
• Examine problems/conflicts encountered within the film.
• Explain how communication was used in developing team-building skills.
• Conclude how the principles shown in the film can be displayed or incorporated in sports
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