The Progressive movement has been broadly categorized as a reform impulse designed to check, the power of big business and the lack of opportunity created by wealth concentration
November 16, 2024
“The Progressive movement has been broadly categorized as a reform impulse designed to check, the power of big business and the lack of opportunity created by wealth concentration. Many thus claim that it was an impulse designed to bring governmental regulation to bear on out-of-control unfettered capitalism. However, in many ways Progressivism, as a policy and grassroots movement, was a conservative reaction to more radical movements of the day, such as anarchism, socialism, and still simmering Populism. In that sense, Progressivism was an attempt to defend and entrench capitalism, while (at least superficially) satisfying the public’s appetite for reform.” How would you defend, explain, or analyze such a statement?
This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation. Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, Do not forget to include citations in MLA or Chicago Manual of Style as outlined in the syllabus. Expect to write 500 to 750 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25 scale.
Evaluation Criteria
Out of: 25 pointsEssay Progressives
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