A thirty-five-year-old Hispanic client comes to you to talk about an impending divorce hearing. He states the following:

    April 21, 2024

A thirty-five-year-old Hispanic client comes to you to talk about an impending divorce hearing. He states the following: I am really lost right now. I cannot get along with Elle, and I miss the kids terribly. My American lawyer is demanding an arm and a leg for his fee, and I do not feel I can trust him. I resent what has happened over the years, and my work with a men’s group at the church has helped, but only a bit. How can I get through the next two weeks? Practice using the case study of the 35-year-old Hispanic client: Create at least four (4) complete alternative focus statements for the following question. How might focusing skills be particularly important when you are working with clients from diverse backgrounds?

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