Assignment 1B: Question Analysis for Math

    August 1, 2024

The last half of your preparation consists of learning how to assess your new found knowledge base. The best way to accomplish this is by using practice questions available for the TExES in the PEARSON/SBEC study manual and other sources. We recommend using our Practice Test Worksheet in Appendix III with these questions. You will want to copy this worksheet several times or record your answers on a blank sheet of paper using our question analysis format. The practice test in Appendix III is a sampling of the PEARSON/SBEC questions. They are included in this book to illustrate how our practice test method works. The worksheet will teach you how to carefully analyze questions. The process of this worksheet is explained below.
1. Read each question, and if you wish, restate the question in your own words. In other words… figure out what they are really asking you. Always read the question and all the choices of answers before restating the question in your own words.
2. Determine what Competency the question is referring to. If you look at the answer key to the sample questions in the SBEC manual, you will notice that the Competency number appears beside each answer. Each question refers to a particular Competency in the sample test and on the real test. Knowledge of the Competency information will help you answer questions. However, you must also consider the point of view of the SBEC to help you determine the answers.
3. State why you think this is the correct Competency. It is best to understand why you are making your choices. Expressing this in writing is part of your analysis process.
4. State your answer. State why this is the correct answer and why it connects to the Competency you chose. It is important to understand why you are making the choices you are making.
5. Look up the Competency and the answer in the answer key after completing each question. If you missed the answer cross yours out and write the letter of the correct answer beside yours. If you missed the Competency number cross yours out and write the correct one beside that.
6. Write down why you were wrong about the Competency, or answer, or both, and why the answer key is correct. This is an important analysis which leads you to an understanding of the point of view of the SBEC. You may not agree with their point of view but choosing the answers that the SBEC would choose is important to your success on the test. Example: “The SBEC chose answer A favoring team teaching because that is the best way for teachers to work together in each grade.”
7. Continue through every question this way and by the end of the practice test, you should be getting better at identifying the Competencies and choosing the correct answers based upon the SBEC point of view.

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