BCG BrightHouse : Succession Planning

    August 1, 2024

write a 2 page paper on Succession Planning of the BCG Brighthouse company.
Here are questions and answers from a guy who works for the company:
Succession Planning
Succession Planning Framework:
How are critical roles and potential successors identified?
FeedForward helps us identify who’s performing and who is not. Based on our BrightHeights we are also able to see who’s shining bright and delivering above and beyond. We work closely with our Advocates, HR, and the department leads to then determine where each person is, both time in role and based on the criteria to be promoted to the next level. Advocates endorse their Advees for promotion and are included in the voting process.
Talent Identification:
How is diversity and inclusion considered in the succession planning
DEI is a huge piece of who we are at BrightHouse. Our world can only get better through the diverse perspectives. As we consider each and every person to deliver on our BrightHeights criteria per role, we are always welcoming to see someone shine and when they have proven they can go to the next level, a promotion quickly follows.
Development of Successors:
What development programs are in place to prepare identified successors for future roles?
We are always on the lookout for who’s a shining star and have a “Bright Light” award that’s announced at our holiday celebration. We also encourage all of our Advocates to look for who’s performing above and beyond their expectations not only in their role but on the whole.
Succession Planning Integration:
How is succession planning integrated with other talent management processes, such as performance management and leadership development?
With both our board and our leadership team, we are always looking not only at the individuals within BrightHouse but also out at the horizon, the growth trajectory, and how we can summit the next mountain peak. Our vision is ambitious and we’re looking to find the talent and encourage those within our ranks who want to make us better, and brighter. We look to balance both the promotions and how we fill the pipeline so our growth is both fun, fulfilling, and forward-focused.
Succession Plan Effectiveness:
How does the organization measure the effectiveness of its succession planning efforts?
We often look to promote people who are already successful performing the next level up. This isn’t a test that’s unnoticed. This is a moment where we can see that someone can already do the job, and that they will succeed moving forward. This gives us the proof that they are ready for the role and that they have earned the title already. More often then not, these newly promoted folks show us just how great this can be. Based on BCG People Survey scores as well as FeedForward to see how not only everyone is doing but also how our promotions are performing too in their new roles.

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