13015Minimum 25 slides, must include note section on each slide.

Read a provided article on community engagement in nursing and its impact and write a reflection (1-2 pages) on what community engagement means to you and how it relates to nursing. the link is https://govos.com/blog/what-is-community-engagement/ our topic will be hospice, please add a little bit at the end and relate that to the article. Thanks

5) Rank order all students by total credit (DESC) 6) Create a view tot_credits_dept (columns: year, dept_name, num_credits) with the total number of credits taken by all students in each year for courses offered by each department 7) Compute average number of credits over three preceding years per department using the view you created 8) […]

Please find an article or news story about some whistle-blowing situation. Please do not use high-profile cases like Snowden or Manning. If you can find the same story described by different sources all the better. Do not use some personal experience unless it was discussed in credible new sources. I need to be able […]

Please complete one introduction and industry analysis for the three restaurants- chilies poor performance, chipotles mediocre performance, mcdonald’s successful performance. Your assignment will be checked for AI usage, originality, and plagarism so please refrain from using any AI programs. I. Introduction Purpose of the Analysis: Explain the goal of cr financial performance of these […]

Participation will consist of locating, submitting and commenting on current articles related to real estate. Links to these articles are to be posted to Article Participation under the Discussion Board. Do not post the article itself, just its link. You are to read these articles and then post your comments/thoughts about the article. When submitting […]