Often in the face of extreme stress or an external crisis, it is not uncommon to focus on being grateful for your health in an attempt to minimize the situation’s impact. However, as previous weeks of this course indicate, health is far more than just an absence of disease or injury. Rather, health includes a […]

Scenario: You work for Natural Organixx, a company that makes organic personal care products such as soaps, shampoos, lotions, and deodorants. Currently, the company advertises its products in traditional ways: through magazine and newspaper advertising, on television, and through in-store displays. You want to propose that the company use social media—such as Facebook, Instagram, […]

While there are several different types of family involvement roles that you have explored, there is a common theme for all of them, in that each person in a productive relationship gains and grows (Gestwicki, 2016). Regardless of the type of involvement that families engage in, developing and maintaining effective family partnerships will have a […]

Using two of the required resources for your Final Project 1, write a multiple-choice question at a DOK level of analysis/application or higher (refer to the Test Taxonomy article for guidance) and one constructed-response question that requires the answer to include text-based evidence. Be sure to answer this question with a response that would earn […]

Think about a behavior (Stress Management) you have tried to change in the past or that you currently want to change. Write about your experience with this behavior change and describe how you can apply a Stages of Change perspective to your experience. What discussion is involved in the literature on your behavior? […]