Home>Homework Answsers>Mathematics homework help>Probability homework help The probability that an iPhone will be defective is 0.035. Out of 1000 iPhones that are sold, what is the probability that: (Hint: Discrete Data) (6 marks total) a. More than 50 of them will be defective? (3 marks) b. Exactly 30 will be defective? (3 marks) bdc91d01-071e-40c6-bead-f25dad4a9330.jpg

Workshop Evaluation Submit the revised 2- to 3-page workshop evaluation that you created in Week 9 that measures the workshop’s effectiveness. Support your Final Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course. Use […]

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on professional resilience. Complete the Skovholt Practitioner Professional Resiliency and Self-Care Inventory on page xix in the textbook. Consider your results in the context of your work in this course and future steps you want to take to further your capacity for resilience. Post a reflection on the knowledge […]

Prompt: Research and Analyze Bureaucratic Reforms: Select two federal departments or agencies from the list provided here: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/federal/departments_agencies. Research any major changes—either proposed or enacted—to these departments or agencies within the past five years. What exactly has changed, or is proposed to change? How do you think such changes will affect, or have already affected, the department’s or […]

Research about the partnership between Apple and Starbucks on the Internet. Based on the information you obtain, propose an IT infrastructure plan for this system. Outline the information flow using a diagram from a customer entering a Starbucks location, deciding on a song, and completing the purchase process. Identify the type of technology used […]

Read a provided article on community engagement in nursing and its impact and write a reflection (1-2 pages) on what community engagement means to you and how it relates to nursing. the link is https://govos.com/blog/what-is-community-engagement/ our topic will be hospice, please add a little bit at the end and relate that to the article. Thanks