For this assignment, you will navigate and use the SNOMED CT browserLinks to an external site. to locate the SNOMED CT codes for ten descriptions. For a tutorial on how to use the browser, watch the video How to use the SNOMED CT BrowserLinks to an external site. (this video is also linked in the […]

Flexibility, Core, Balance, and Plyometric Program Design. Overview: you will design and submit a training program for your final project chosen team/athlete to take place in one Strength and Conditioning practice session. Instructions: Design a one day Flexibility, Core, Balance, and Plyometric Program for your final assignment team/athlete. This program will be used during […]

Exploration of Reproductive System Terms Review and familiarize yourself with the terminology associated with the male and female reproductive systems. Identify any terms that are still unfamiliar or challenging. Root Term Breakdown Choose three terms from each system this week and break them down into root terms, prefixes, and suffixes. Provide the definitions for […]

Do you ever wonder why many people generally feel better after talking through problems with a trusted friend or family member? Aside from the benefits of having more than one mind working to solve a problem, social support has been shown to buffer the adverse effects of stress. In addition to making you feel better, […]

Final Project Due (consisting of 10–15 total pages and 16–25 Microsoft PowerPoint slides) Descriptive Narrative (5–7 pages): Describe the population you selected in Week 3 as the intended audience for a stress management workshop. Synthesize research related to stress management techniques. Include the stressors common to that population. Explain the stress management research techniques you […]

Define the epidemiologic triangle and discuss its application to practice. Develop two or more nursing interventions (excluding handwashing) a community health nurse can implement to break the link(s) within the communicable disease chain. Provide rationale for each nursing intervention. Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two […]