The 500-bed Chicago Hospital has been hit by a ransomware attack that has encrypted entire hard-drives on computer systems across the network, including patient records and systems running medical equipment such as MRI, CAT and X-ray scanners. The IT staff are not sure what type of ransomware it is. After several unsuccessful attempts to restore […]

For this module, we are discussing several poems from the late twentieth century. As I mentioned in the Module 11 Lecture on the Module 11 Required Readings page, these are the questions I encourage you to consider as you discuss this reading on the discussion board: What themes recur throughout the poems? How do some […]

As nurses, you have all learned the importance of clinical decision-making, critical thinking, and clinical judgment to make effective and safe patient care decisions in practice. As you move into your role of advanced practice nurse whether that is leadership and management or NP, how does this change? Does it? This week read through some […]

I have one Discussion question and assignment that need prompts added to it. I did the rest and need it back by tomorrow at the latest. No Plagiarism TwoParts.docx Module3ChatGPTAssignmentRedo.docx Purpose Module 3 ChatGPT Assignment: Creating a Blog Post Redo This assignment is intended to help you learn to use ChatGPT for creating a blog […]

Scenario Description: Identify and explain one scenario in which someone breaks a promise. (Respond in your own words; you are not required to cite a resource for this response. Recommended response length is 1-3 sentences.) Virtue Ethics (You are required to cite a resource from Units 2, 3, and 4 readings and presentations for […]

I have one Discussion question and assignment that need prompts added to it. I did the rest and need it back by tomorrow at the latest. No Plagiarism TwoParts.docx Module3ChatGPTAssignmentRedo.docx Purpose Module 3 ChatGPT Assignment: Creating a Blog Post Redo This assignment is intended to help you learn to use ChatGPT for creating a blog […]