Scenario Description: Identify and explain one scenario in which someone breaks a promise. (Respond in your own words; you are not required to cite a resource for this response. Recommended response length is 1-3 sentences.) Virtue Ethics (You are required to cite a resource from Units 2, 3, and 4 readings and presentations for […]

Overview Health inequities are the direct result of the impact of policies and actions that disempower and oppress communities and populations, leading to sub-standard social determinants of health (SDOH) inclusive of all categories: income, housing, access to employment and education, social structure, religious freedom, etc. We can see how the two biggest systems that created […]

. Global response to, and challenges of, the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 part 1Links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B97A4DkMAag To prepare: Select a health outcome Explore the health outcome using epidemiologic concepts. Select at least 5 of the following concepts: Incidence Prevalence Age Adjusted Mortality Rates Case Fatality Rates […]

Thank you for this toughtful outline of your plans. I wanted to make sure that this organziation actually works with clients rather than referring them out. I don’t want you to have to evaluate case management situations. That would involve too many organizations. Your ethics are well thought through. Have you thought about how […]