What change theory will you use in your strategic plan? Provide a rationale of that choice and list what problems or difficulties may be anticipated based upon the theory in achieving your project goals. Provide an example of the theory applied in recent unanticipated event in your workplace or community organization.

Diiscussion: The DNP-Prepared Nurse and Their Communities of practice The need for vaccine and immunization clinics for school age children with a school district The need for nutritional assistance programs pre-K students in a state-funded early childhood education program The need for diabetes education for elderly outpatients in a community health clinic The need to […]

Discuss how health care crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, impact the profession of nursing. What response from nursing is necessary to move the profession forward (discuss strategies across all aspects of the profession). How will these changes contribute to the health care of our nation?

What Does a Healthy System Look Like? Tasks: In 250–300 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to one of the following: Give an example of a functional system you are a part of and explain why you think it is functional. Give an example of a dysfunctional system you are a part of […]

Please complete the following discussion post. The main post should be at least 500 words . You must use APA format to develop your discussion and use 2 sources from a scientifically credible source that is less than 5 years old. NO GPT CHAT. NO PLAGIARISM. THIS WILL BE CHECKED. WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. […]

Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as respirators, are sometimes used instead of effective engineering controls because of cost. What are some positive and negative aspects of using PPE instead of engineering controls? How might you justify the expense of implementing engineering controls to reduce the use of PPE?