Acne Vulgaris Case Study J.S., age 16, comes to your office for a routine physical examination. You notice that she has facial acne that she is hiding with heavy makeup. She has tried Clearasil inconsistently without relief. She works at a fast food restaurant as a cook after school and on the weekends. Her mother […]

Every individual confronts economic issues daily. This is especially true of business owners, who spend their time thinking of economic issues such as how to handle changes in the price of goods, how to allocate their time, and whether to buy or produce goods in order to efficiently allocate their scarce resources. In your initial […]

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Inform business decisions using microeconomic models and theories Determine the impact of economic costs on organizational and individual decision-making Explain how market structure impacts a business’s entry and exit into a market and its ability to generate economic profit Overview For your […]

HIM 510 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview This is your first opportunity to begin working on your final project, which asks you to design and develop training materials. Recall that you identified a problem early on: staff’s common practice of forgetting to log off computers in public or clinical spaces, potentially allowing unauthorized persons […]

To Prepare Review the “Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice” learning resource to explore competencies related to nursing practice. Consider the role of competencies in nursing practice. Which competencies may be the most beneficial for project management and nursing informatics? Reflect on which skills you might currently possess and how you might become competent […]