Go to this website https://www.loc.gov/collections/chronicling-america/ Find a newspaper article about WWI. It needs to be from 1914-1919. Summarize it. What does it tell us about the causes of the war? Are there any fears about the conflict? How does the article talk about the different sides of the conflict? Is there any bias? What stands […]

Based on your reading of the Achebe book, answer the following in a well-organized, formal, argumentative/persuasive essay. What things fell apart? How and why did they fall apart? What happens when two cultures come into contact? Suggested length: 4-6 double-spaced pages. Things fall apart can be downloaded online.

Write a one-page paper in which you: Outline the process you would use to move to a centralized structure. Go back to the Week 3 assignment, Organizing HR Projects, and consider the goal of the project. Conduct research on centralized and decentralized organizations and come up with three tasks that you would need to move […]

The goal of this assignment is to stimulate quality discussion. In order to earn full participation in online discussions, you must have one (1) initial post responding to the assigned discussion question and two (2) replying to your classmate’s post within your respective groups. The submitted posts must be substantive with critical analysis and reflection. […]

Murdock, N. L. (2017). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A case approach (4th ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN-13: 9780134240220. https://www.apa.org/ 1.1 What are the main differences between Bowenian, structural, and strategic family systems theories? Include at least one scholarly source to support your response. Cite any scholarly references accordingly using in-text citations and a reference list. 2.1 […]