Nationally renowned justice and equality ally Tim Wise has a body of work that relates directly to our course material and our interests in developing diversity consciousness. View the presentation using the link below. As always, play close attention to what you see, hear, and feel as you follow along and draw out salient […]

Miranda warnings are not required when border agents question aliens seeking admission into this country. Even if aliens being questioned at a border about their admission into this country are in “custody,” most courts have held that official, routine questioning of the alien does not require a Miranda warning, even if that questioning results […]

Mind map that identifies various information technologies and social media tools that you, as a nurse, would utilize in your professional practice. This mind map will help you visualize and organize the technologies and tools available to enhance patient care and your professional responsibilities. Instructions: Identify Information Technologies and Social Media Tools: Consider the technologies […]

Locate a current event article from a credible source dealing with a criminal investigation or criminal trial. Your article can deal with any topic except Wikileaks and the case against Julian Assange. Prepare a presentation with a discussion question and voice narration for your peers to respond to in Module 6. Prepare the presentation in PowerPoint and […]