Presentation: A 21-year-old noncompliant female with a history of type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus was found in a coma. Her blood glucose was high, as well as her urine glucose, urine ketones, and serum ketones. Her serum bicarbonate was < 12 mEq/L. Her respiration was exaggerated, and his breath had an acetone odor. Her blood […]

For this final module, you will draw on the background readings in all four modules. In addition to correcting each previous Business Plan component, review the information about financing options and also about competitive strategies and select the one you want to employ in your new business venture. Your options to select from are: Narrow […]

For this module’s SLP assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that is similar in content to what an entrepreneur would present to a group of potential investors. You will cover only one area of your Business Plan that the potential investors have concerns about: a strategic financing plan. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with speaker […]

What are the challenges of HRM professionals using social media to learn about current and potential employees? The Wright article talks about how Facebook recruits. Bring in three other real-life, private sector employers (by name from your readings/research) and discuss their approaches to social media in the HRM context. Use at least 5 sources from […]

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) directly assess performance behaviors. The BARS method depends on critical incidents or short descriptions of effective and ineffective behaviors that ultimately produce a number value. The assessor is responsible for rating the specific behaviors of an employee based upon the behavioral expectations that are provided as anchors. When rating the […]

An important aspect of supporting students in literacy efforts is involving students’ families, first by sharing knowledge about the process of learning to read and the reading problems children can experience, and also by explaining the interventional and instructional strategies that can be used in school and at home to help bridge literacy gaps. Scenario: […]