CAPSTONE: PART I The PICOT will be a health issue identified at work or in the community. Be creative! There are certain topics that have been saturated in healthcare and have been implemented multiple times already. Do not present on the following topics: Diabetes, CHF, Blood pressure, Infection Control (hand washing, post op infections), Medication […]

The course paper is an in-depth research paper on Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Your sources are to be only from the professional literature (journals) and professional books. Cite all sources in the body of the paper in APA citation style, with an APA style Reference page at the end of the paper containing a minimum of […]

PART A To start this week’s discussion forum, read Graff’s “Hidden Intellectualism” carefully, taking notes as you go. Using your reading of the Introduction, Chapter 1, and 2 of ” They Say/ I Say,” identify the conversation Graff is entering. Once you’ve carefully read the text, answer the following questions. Post your answers as a […]

A 28-year-old male presents to the primary care office for evaluation of left calf pain, swelling, and redness. He reports that this started one day ago and worsened today. He ran a 27-mile marathon 2 days ago and traveled for 3 hours in a car today. He reports slight pain on walking and a swollen […]

All about variables.docx All about variables Download All about variables.docx All about variables For Week II, you will begin a Research Paper by using the steps in the research process. You must Ask the Question, State your hypothesis, and begin writing your proposal. Follow the APA documentation format from the Sixth Edition Publication Manual of […]

Expect to spend at least 2 hours with the patient, family, or group you’ll be working with during this portion of your practicum, exploring issues of technology, care coordination, and community resources associated with the health problem you’ve defined. This includes time spent in consultation with subject matter or industry experts. For this portion of […]