The main functions of the police include patrol work and crime prevention. Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing, as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts; while crime prevention includes activities to keep the citizens safe and is a catalyst to improve the public–police relationship. Imagine you are a criminal […]

The less likely developed a relationship is, the more likely it is to dissolve. Relationships between acquaintances, casual friends, coworkers, and neighbors will probably end at some point. The first sign that a relationship is deteriorating is a subtle indication of dissatisfaction. The partners may feel less connected to each other, begin to share […]

Submit a list of 10 credible research sources for your research project. Assignment Requirements Document must include 10 sources Document must have both primary and secondary sources Sources must be listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name (or title if no author is available, see sample here) Sources must be listed in MLA format (comprehensive […]

Strayer University is moving to a new HR or payroll system that is sponsored by a firm called Workday.com. You have been asked to oversee the stakeholder management aspects of this project. Identify some of the key stakeholders at Strayer, and describe how you plan to keep them engaged during your year-long project. Be sure […]

select a social problem relevant to social work practice, and will determine an answerable research question for a needs assessment study. All data utilized for this project will be secondary, publicly available data. Please reference Chapter 3 in your textbook regarding needs assessments, their purposes, and design elements. You will complete a needs assessment, and […]