Discussion 2: Development in Childhood Describe your development in childhood. Explain how two theories or perspectives could be used to assess/evaluate the main your development at the identified stage of development. Post should be in 3 – 4 pages: Strengths perspective (Chapter 2) Systems theory or ecological theory (Chapter 2) Ecological perspective (Chapter 2) It […]

Describe your abstinence experience with Caffine (e.g., did the you succeed or fail, what influenced you, what was the process like for you, etc.) and will serve as the conclusion of your overall experience. Conclude with an explanation of how biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors contributed to your experience with abstaining from the particular substance […]

Complete 4 Habitudes Assignments in this course related to assigned “images” (chapters) in the Habitudes book. Reflection and self-assessment are integral steps in leadership development. Whether you are trying to grow your own leadership capacity or develop leadership skills in others, it is critical that you take the time to reflect on where you are […]

Overview Based on publicly available official financial statements you seek out and provide, quantify and compare the positions of two sport-related companies in terms of liquidity, activity, financial leverage, and profitability. For each area of comparison, calculate the appropriate ratio, indicate which company is in a stronger position, and briefly explain your rationale. RatioAnalysisGradingRubric.pdf […]

OVERVIEW Based on official information from financial statements and reports or well-developed estimates in the popular financial press, list the revenue sources and amounts and major expenses and amounts of a sport related business entity (professional sports club, college athletic department, youth travel club, major sports event, sport governing body, summer camp, health and fitness […]

Assume you are tasked with providing written and verbal quarterly performance reviews for each of your employees. You have one particular review to do for an employee, Bob, whom you have a great working relationship with. One of Bob’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that each outgoing shipment is complete, all items are free of […]