Week Five Discussion (Image: Examples of population samples) This week, you will research population, sample, and sampling about nonprobability and probability.

2 Questions. Discuss in detail the two primary historical schools of thought. i.e. The Classical and The Positivist schools of Criminology. (600 words, APA Format, 2 References) Discuss in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime. Further briefly without using quotes give an overview of this article i.e., Nwalozie, C. J. (2015). […]

Discuss a time when you or someone you know engaged in advocacy for a health policy. What strategies were used, and what were the outcomes? Submission Instructions: Initial Post Screening” before proceeding to post Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 […]

1. Did Patsy Ramsey author the ransom note in the Jon Benet Ramsey case? 2. Do you believe that a document examiner provides assistance to the court? 3. Why do Document Examiners disagree? 4. Is the field of document examinations an art or science? Does it matter?