For this course, you will write a scholarly paper on Nursing Philosophy. Utilizing the four domains within the nursing metaparadigm you will include the following: • A definition of the four domains: Nursing, Environment, Health and Person • Your personal definition of each domain and how these fit into your philosophy of nursing. • Compare […]

At both the Bachelor and Master levels, nursing programs require courses in ethics. Thus, you have likely considered point-of-care ethical dilemmas previously; however, you can never think too much about this important topic. So much of what nurses and other healthcare professionals do daily is based in a foundation of ethics. Providing patient care and […]

An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writing’s contents in abbreviated form. Abstracts are typically 100 to 250 words and follow set patterns. Why is an abstract so important? • Help readers […]

In this course, you will complete a final project on identifying and resolving supervisee/trainee performance issues in the workplace. The objective of this assignment will be to create a brief presentation that demonstrates your ability to pinpoint performance issues, identify potential solutions, and measure the success of an intervention. For this project, you will either: […]

What personal strengths do you have that would make you an effective nurse leader? What potential gaps might you need to address to improve your ability to be an effective nurse leader? As a future DNP-prepared nurse, you will be called upon as a leader in your field, a leader in your practice, and a […]

You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently, a new employee (Chloe) has voiced concerns to the CEO that she is being sexually harassment by her manager (Stan). The manager, Stan, is friendly and helps her get familiar with her new job […]