The ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice apply to telehealth practice. Identify your state’s telehealth nursing licensure requirement and the ethical and legal nursing issues associated with the use of telehealth within the context of quality care, accountability, and cost-effectiveness guiding population health policy development.

Discussion Topic: Geographical Impacts of Healthcare Policies Does geographic location have an impact on how federal or state healthcare policy may be implemented?

MBA 504 Module Two Excel Workbook Guidelines and Rubric Overview Data visualization is a quick, easy, and effective way to convey concepts in a universal manner. Visualized data helps you understand large and complex data sets easily so you can make decisions based on the analysis. It also helps you identify new patterns, trends, and […]

Write a short speech to the executive team on how Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining could help shape labor relations within the organization, including the history of the American labor movement, dispute resolutions, avoidance, models, strategies, and techniques. Reflect on it and thoroughly explain your rationale.

As our world continues to become more and more interconnected, sustainability has become more than just a ‘green movement’. Research shows that sustainability has real business benefits. Starbucks made a promise to be straw free by 2020; read the article and watch the embedded video: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/07/09/starbucks-scrap-plastic-straws-globally-2020/764343002/ After reading the article, watching the embedded video, and […]

Review the results of the NR607 Clinical Education Associates (CEA) Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Prediagnostic Assessment related to the CEA Exam domains: nervous system