Your post should be 350-500 words (not including references) and posted by Thursday. Please post earlier in the week to allow your classmates time to respond. Use at least one source in each discussion topic, preferably course-assigned texts. No more than 15% of your overall word count should be direct quotes. Format your post using […]

Sustainability is a deciding factor when customers are purchasing products. The concept of sustainability is rooted in three pillars: economic, social, and environmental. For an organization to be sustainable, it needs to focus on long-term strategies to make a positive impact in those areas. Sustainability is about framing business decisions in terms of years or […]

Who are the key stakeholders in your project? What research tools are helpful to determine geography, local, economic, political and other characteristics of your selected community? Identify the main healthcare needs within the community and any cultural and ethnic groups with special healthcare needs. The Critical Path: Why is it important to identify the critical […]

Imagine you are the chief financial officer (CFO) of the Fortune 500 company you chose in Module One (JPMorgan Chase

Discussion You will discuss various change-management skills that the HIM professional needs. Respond to the following in your discussion post: What skills does the HIM professional need to implement change within an organization? As a change agent, what are the key steps you would take to evaluate the change and the impact on your organization? […]

Create a SWOT Analysis of ACME Medical Center in your selected community. Use a standard table format (see example below), listing bullet points under each heading. Each SWOT area should have a minimum of three distinct points, but no more than seven in any one area. Provide a written analysis of each of the four […]