In contrast to previous theories of rhetoric, Campbell’s separation of emotion and logic represents a central trend in rhetorical theory during the Enlightenment. Discuss two ways in which this division influences theories of “style” in the Enlightenment era. In your responses to peers, compare and contrast the discussions of style they offer to earlier rhetorical […]

College of Health Sciences Department of Public Health ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Course number: BIOL102 CRN Answer the following questions: 1. The body is able to allow its internal conditions to vary while maintaining them within relatively narrow limits. The term coined to name this ability is “homeostasis”. Assignment […]

Have you ever subscribed to a newspaper or magazine? When you are in a waiting room with magazines, which ones are you likely to read? Are you likely to stay in bed on Sunday and read the newspaper? Most of us have a favorite magazine or newspaper, even if we are not a subscriber. In […]

Read the assignments, read this article abstract, and watch the videos here: Volunteer Suburban EMT and Coastal Paramedic . What are the similarities and differences in the motivations and certifications of the two clinicians that are featured? What do you think this predicts as to the future of EMS personnel recruitment and retention (remember to relate this to the readings […]

For the PIPR paper you are asked to identify a relevant community health need that your project will address, to substantiate this need and to discuss the evidence base for potential actions to address this need. You are asked to identify theory-based approaches to address the need. Finally, you will be asked to describe the […]

This week’s theme is an important one and I know that many of you have body composition improvements that you are hoping to achieve this semester. Committing to drinking more water and drinking less of everything else may be one of the most effective action steps you can take toward improving body composition. If you […]