I would need an essay done about the changes of tennis over the years in MLA format 3 pages. The websites for sources: https://www.essentialtennis.com/the-evolution-of-t… https://medium.com/lantern-theater-company-searchl… The criterias: Thesis describes the arguments of two credible, scholarly sources about one issue. -Provides specific, relevant support like quotes, facts, statistics in order to analyze the arguments of others, along with some […]

As an informatics specialist, your hospital leadership team has asked you to create a data analytics report on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and potential recommendations going forward. You must analyze a significant amount of data to identify opportunities to improve processes and patient outcomes. This process will allow you to solve problems and […]

Read Case 6: BP: Organizational Structure and Management Systems (R.M. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 11th ed. Wiley, 2022). Remember that a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and discussing the specific case questions below, develop your proposed solution by following these steps: Read the case study to identify the key […]

Purpose In this two-part lab, you will set up your own secure network then review the network security of others near your home or apartment. Understanding how to set up and configure a network, as well as detect weaknesses in a configuration, is important for any technology career. Lab Instructions Follow the lab instructions for […]

It is important for students to understand how their curriculum is applied to real world workplace environments. How what you are studying can or will benefit you in your current, or future, career. For this assignment, you will need to review your program’s curriculum and goals and compare that to your current job/internship (if unemployed, […]

You must contribute an original post of your own before you will be able to view the posts of others. Based on the video, what companies had the largest jump in branding, what companies remain consistence, and what companies fell and why?