Now that you have practiced writing summary of a primary source, it’s time to practice some other skills – paraphrasing, direct quote and citation. 1) Find something someone else has written on your favorite narrative. Ideally, it should be something written by an expert in their field (a literary scholar, a film critic, etc.) Provide […]

Part of being a good manager is staying up to date on the latest news, trends, laws, financial happenings, and international situations impacting business. If you look at your newsfeed, you will see many articles that directly relate to the material we study every week. Make it part of your daily habits to check in […]

Marketing Management Assignment 5 Part 1: The VALS survey is a tool that enables marketers to assess different shopper types. VALS stands for Values and Lifestyles. The original VALS survey was developed in the 1970s to understand consumer behavior with personality traits, attitudes, opinions, and values. A redesigned version of the survey provides results that […]

Marketing Management Assignment 4 Please watch the video “How You Really Make Decisions” and answer the following questions. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3q4alx 1. What is “unintentional blindness” and why is it a problem with respect to eye witness accounts of an activity? 2. In the video, two modes of thinking were identified: fast (system 1) and slow (system […]

NURS682 Discussion Response 1 Maria B The OPT model emerged in the late 90s. This model consists of thinking and reasoning. It encouraged nurses to problem solve by providing guidelines. “In this model, clinical reasoning is defined as the critical, reflective, concurrent, and creative thinking embedded in nursing practice that results in the juxtaposition […]