Key concepts introduced this week: Epistemic violence, cultural autonomy and survivance through visual Anthropology. As a discipline Anthropology has been implicated in the colonial project and has faced growing decolonial critiques. Anthropology is not an unproblematic presence on the stage of socio-political scholarship and there is an increasing awareness of the uneven relations between […]

Strategic Global Expansion Project Directions Every organization conducts research to plan and implement a business idea. This project is designed to provide the foundation for an international business plan. • • • • Select a product or service that you intend to market to a specific nation. The selection has to be approved by the […]

Reflect on an experience that you had as a nurse on your floor in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace and answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. Cite scholarly sources. Provide a brief synopsis of the situation. Describe how the situation made you feel. Discuss your response or […]

1. In the first three videos, individuals within three different professional settings comment on aspects of social responsibility that they perceive in their work. Identify and comment on at least one common element you can find in all three (or at least two of the three) videos. Would the common element best be described […]

Module 03 Content OverviewReleasing medical records in medical facilities is something that happens each day. As healthcare professionals, it is important to understand and follow the proper protocol for releasing records. HIPAA is a set of guidelines used to guide medical professionals on how to maintain confidentiality for patient records. As a rule of thumb, […]

Module 05: Critical Thinking Assignment Innovation in Healthcare and Financial Statements (110 points) Financial statement management is an essential process for healthcare organizations. The challenge for operational leaders is interpretation of financial statement performance Select a hospital that publicly displays their financial performance on their website. Then address the following requirements: • Describe the Profit […]