Objective: Develop a comprehensive social media marketing campaign for a selected company that leverages Robert Cialdini’s six principles of influence: Reciprocity, Commitment/Consistency, Social Proof, Authority, Liking, and Scarcity. Students will create and present a set of marketing materials designed to enhance the company’s brand presence on social media. about Apple Vision Pro 1- Select […]

1- John M. Reed is 10 years old and may be claimed as a dependent on his parent’s return. In 2023, John received taxable interest of $5,000.00. He had no earned income. John’s parents are James Reed, whose social security is 801-77-5432, and Elaine Reed (SS

Download either Wireshark (PC) or Debookee (macOS) and then use the tool on your own network. Include screenshots of your testing and provide a detailed description about how the tool works and how it could be used to test your home network’s security. N.B. Never use these tools on networks owned and controlled by others […]

LINK THE BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/17g8QMoQUxGA_rdisM… I went over the format for this assignment-Introduction paragraph-Respond to each question in the assignment each with an APA heading.-Conclusion-Reference – APA style– with 4 references peer reviewed at least and book source -an example Module 05: Discussion This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making using the case study about Coca-Cola […]

LINK THE BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I47Oyl5ccti7FIiv3… MODULE 05: DISCUSSION Discussion Discuss the current state of cybercrime and how this concerns you as a business manager. Discuss why frameworks, standards, and models are an important part of a business manager’s cybersecurity program. Can these keep an organization safe? Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your […]